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Merrill, James

(Encyclopedia) Merrill, James (James Ingram Merrill), 1926–95, American poet, b. New York City. Born into wealth as the son of Charles Merrill, he studied at Amherst College (grad. 1947) and was free…

Valéry, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Valéry, PaulValéry, Paulpōl välārēˈ [key], 1871–1945, French poet and critic. A follower of the symbolists, Valéry was one of the greatest French poets of the 20th cent. He was…

Barnfield, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Barnfield, Richard, 1574–1627, English poet. His entire output consists of three small books of poetry written before he was 25: The Affectionate Shepherd (1594), Cynthia (1595), and…

Darley, George

(Encyclopedia) Darley, George, 1795–1846, English author and mathematician, b. Ireland. Included among his works are the pastoral drama Sylvia (1827), the poem Nepenthe (1835), a precursor of 20th-…

Auden, W. H.

(Encyclopedia) Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh Auden)Auden, W. H.ôˈdən [key], 1907–73, Anglo-American poet, b. York, England, educated at Oxford. A versatile, vigorous, and technically skilled poet, Auden…

Georgian literature

(Encyclopedia) Georgian literature. Early Georgian literature shows the influence of two distinctly different civilizations—medieval Eastern Orthodox Christianity and, later, Persia. The Passion of…

Bulgarian literature

(Encyclopedia) Bulgarian literature. For early ecclesiastical writings, see Church Slavonic. Modern Bulgarian literature stems from the work of Father Paisi, who in 1762 began his history of the Slav…


(Encyclopedia) Sitwell, English literary family, one of the most celebrated literary families of the 20th cent. Its members included Dame Edith Sitwell, 1887–1964, English poet and critic, Sir Osbert…

Bamford, Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Bamford, Samuel, 1788–1872, English weaver, poet, and social reformer. Always sympathetic toward the working class, he was jailed in 1819 for his part in the Peterloo massacre. His…

Exeter Book

(Encyclopedia) Exeter Book, manuscript volume of Old English religious and secular poetry, of various dates of composition, compiled c.975 and given to Exeter Cathedral by Bishop Leofric (d. 1072).…