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The Bulldog Ant

An Australian hunter with excellent vision and a venomous sting by Catherine McNiff By Doug Beckers (Flickr) Related Links Bulldog Ant Video Bulldog…

Turkey Vulture Video Activity

Fill in the blanks with vulture vocabulary Related Links The Turkey Vulture Turkey Vulture Video Turkey Vulture Video Quiz consumer…

The Turkey Vulture

A scavenger with an excellent sense of smell by Catherine McNiff AP Photo, Elliott Minor Related Links Turkey Vulture Video Turkey Vulture Video Quiz…

Wombat Video Activity

Examining a primary source In 2011, scientists in Australia unearthed the nearly complete remains of a “giant wombat,“ or Diprotodon optatum, which roamed the Earth two million years ago.…

Wombat Glossary

by Catherine McNiff adaptation (n.) Modification of an organism or its parts that makes it more fit for existence under the conditions of its environment: The wombat's long claws are…

The Wombat

A Curious Creature with A Reinforced Rump by Catherine McNiff AP Photo/Susan Montoya Bryan Related Links Wombat Video Wombat Video Quiz Wombat Glossary…