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Schimper, Karl Friedric

(Encyclopedia) Schimper, Karl FriedricSchimper, Karl Friedricshĭmˈpər [key], 1803–67, German botanist. He did important work in plant morphology and originated the theory, called phyllotaxis, that…


(Encyclopedia) herbarium, collection of dried and mounted plant specimens used in systematic botany. To preserve their form and color, plants collected in the field are spread flat in sheets of…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Sensitive Plant Part 1

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Part 2 Part 1 A Sensitive Plant in a garden grew, And the young winds fed it with silver dew, And it opened its fan-like leaves to the light. And closed them beneath…

David PLANT, Congress, CT (1783-1851)

PLANT David , a Representative from Connecticut; born in Stratford, Conn., March 29, 1783; attended the Episcopal Academy, Cheshire, Conn.; was graduated from Yale College in 1804; studied law in…

Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra

(Encyclopedia) Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra, or Sir Jagadis Chunder BoseSir Jagadis Chunder Bosejəgäˈdēs chŭnˈdrə bōs, chŭnˈdər [key], 1858–1937, Indian physicist and plant physiologist, educated in…


(Encyclopedia) auxinauxinôkˈsĭn [key], plant hormone that regulates the amount, type, and direction of plant growth. Auxins include both naturally occurring substances and related synthetic compounds…

Engler, Adolf

(Encyclopedia) Engler, AdolfEngler, Adolfäˈdôlf ĕngˈlər [key], 1844–1930, German botanist. He emphasized the importance of geological history in the study of plant geography, and worked out an…