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(Encyclopedia) gametophytegametophytegəmēˈtəfītˌ [key], phase of plant life cycles in which the gametes, i.e., egg and sperm, are produced. The gametophyte is haploid, that is, each cell contains a…


(Encyclopedia) tendril, slender, sensitive structure of many climbing plants that by a response to contact (see auxin) supports the plant. Tendrils are modified stems, leaves, or leaf parts or roots…


(Encyclopedia) layering, horticultural practice of propagating a plant by rooting a branch before severing it from the mother plant. Typically the branch is bent and a section that has been slit or…

Gleason, Henry Allan

(Encyclopedia) Gleason, Henry AllanGleason, Henry Allanglēˈsən [key], 1882–1975, American botanist, plant geographer, and plant ecologist. His floristic studies of North American vegetation led to…

de Candolle, Augustin Pyrame

(Encyclopedia) de Candolle, Augustin Pyramede Candolle, Augustin Pyramedə käNdōlˈ [key], 1778–1841, Swiss botanist. Considered the most important Swiss botanist of his era, de Candolle wrote on a…

Top Ten Unusual Animals

A few of the unsung wonders of the animal world by Holly Hartman Some have been around for hundreds or even thousands of years, but they may be new to you. Of course, it's hard to…

Most Dangerous Insects

Mosquitos, flies, bees and wasps, and other insects by David Johnson Aggressive "killer bees" deliver a nightmarish, agonizing death by swarming all over their victim. In the…

Spotlight on Bats

Mysterious Mammals on the Fly Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service   ECHOLOCATION Although bats have relatively good eyesight, most depend on their superbly developed…