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dioecious plant

(Encyclopedia) dioecious plantdioecious plantdīēˈshəs [key], plant in which the male and female reproductive structures are found in different individuals, as distinct from a monoecious plant (see…

climbing plant

(Encyclopedia) climbing plant, any plant that in growing to its full height requires some support. Climbing plants may clamber over a support (climbing rose), twine up a slender support (hop,…

herbaceous plant

(Encyclopedia) herbaceous plantherbaceous planthûrbāˈshəs [key], plant whose stem is soft and green and shows little growth of wood. The term is used to distinguish such plants from woody plants.…

woody plant

(Encyclopedia) woody plant: see herbaceous plant.

air plant

(Encyclopedia) air plant: see epiphyte.

wax plant

(Encyclopedia) wax plant: see milkweed.

Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Sensitive Plant

by Percy Bysshe Shelley A Vision of the SeaThe Sensitive PlantComposed at Pisa, early in 1820 (dated 'March, 1820,' in Harvard manuscript), and published, with "Prometheus Unbound", the same…