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Vertebrates and Invertebrates Warm-blooded animals regulate their own body temperatures; their bodies use energy to maintain a constant temperature. Cold-blooded animals depend on their…

Dinosaur Hall of Fame

Information Please's informal guide to the biggest, smallest, fastest, smartest, dumbest, widest, oldest, and most popular dinosaurs. Largest Dinosaur:Largest Carnivore: Smallest Dinosaur:Widest…

Largest Dinosaur:

Argentinosaurus hinculensis Argentinosaurus (c) Joe Tucciarone Meaning of Name:“Argentinian lizard”Period:Cretaceous Period (138 million to 65 million years ago)Size:35 - 45 meters…

Largest Carnivore:

Giganotosaurus carolinii Meaning of Name: “giant southern lizard” Period:Cretaceous Period (138 million to 65 million years ago) Size: 13.5 - 14.3 meters long; head 165 cm Weight: 7- 8 metric…

Smallest Dinosaur:

Compsognathus longipesMicroceratops , a runner-up in the smallest dinosaur category, was only the size of a rabbit. (c) Joe Tucciarone Meaning of Name: “delicate jaw” Period:Jurassic Period…

Widest Dinosaur:

Ankylosaurus magniventrisAnkylosaurus(c) Joe Tucciarone Meaning of Name:“bent/crooked lizard”Period:Cretaceous Period (138 million to 65 million years ago)Size: 4 - 9 meters longLocation:…

Longest Neck:

Mamenchisaurus Meaning of Name:“Mamenchi lizard”Period:Jurassic Period (205 million to 138 million years ago)Size:22 - 25 meters longLocation: China and possibly Mongolia The Mamenchisaurus's…


OrnithomimineeMeaning of Name: “bird mimic”Period: Cretaceous Period (138 million to 65 million years ago)Size:3 - 3.5 meters longWeight: 100 - 175 kgLocation: Colorado, Utah, Canada…


Troodontids Meaning of Name: “wounding tooth”Period:Cretaceous Period (138 million to 65 million years ago) Size: 2 - 3.5 meters longWeight:50kg Location:Canada, Montana, Wyoming…


Stegosaurus Stegosaurus.(c) Joe Tucciarone Meaning of Name:“roofed lizard”Period: Jurassic Period (205 million to 138 million years ago) Size:9 meters longWeight: 1.8 metric tonsLocation:…