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(Encyclopedia) vine, climbing plant or trailing plant. The grape is often called “the vine.” See also liana.

Indian pipe

(Encyclopedia) Indian pipe, common name for the genus Monotropa and for the family Monotropaceae, low flowering plants of north temperate zones. They are chlorophylless saprophytes with a funguslike…


(Encyclopedia) artichoke, name for two different plants of the family Asteraceae (aster family), both having edible parts. The French, or globe, artichoke (Cynara scolymus) is a thistlelike plant of…


(Encyclopedia) cutting, in horticulture, part of a plant stem, leaf, or root cut off and used for producing a new plant. It is a convenient and inexpensive method of propagation, not possible for all…


(Encyclopedia) hermaphroditehermaphroditehərmăfˈrədītˌ [key], animal or plant that normally possesses both male and female reproductive systems, producing both eggs and sperm. Many plants, including…


(Encyclopedia) secretion, in biology, substance elaborated by the living material of an animal or plant. Secretions in humans can be produced by a single cell or by a group of cells commonly called a…


(Encyclopedia) biennial, plant requiring two years to complete its life cycle, as distinguished from an annual or a perennial. In the first year a biennial usually produces a rosette of leaves (e.g…


(Encyclopedia) KremenchukKremenchukkrĭmĭnch&oomacr;kˈ [key], Rus. Kremenchug, city (1989 pop. 237,000), central Ukraine, on the Dnieper River. It is the center of an industrial complex based on a…

diseases of plants

(Encyclopedia) diseases of plants. Most plant diseases are caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Although the term disease is usually used only for the destruction of live plants, the action of dry…


(Encyclopedia) aphid or plant louse, tiny, usually green, soft-bodied, pear-shaped insect injurious to vegetation. It is also called greenfly and blight. Aphids are mostly under 1&fslsh;4 in. (6…