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Kobilka, Brian Kent

(Encyclopedia) Kobilka, Brian Kent, 1955–, American physician, b. Little Falls, Minn., M.D. Yale, 1981. He was a researcher at Duke Univ. from 1981 to 1989, where he worked with Robert Lefkowitz; in…

Moniz, Egas

(Encyclopedia) Moniz, EgasMoniz, Egasĕˈgəsh môˈnēsh [key], 1874–1955, Portuguese neurologist and diplomat. From 1903 he served in the Cortes several times and was Portuguese minister (1917) in Madrid…

mushroom poisoning

(Encyclopedia) mushroom poisoning, fungal poisoning caused by ingestion of certain mushrooms (fungal organisms), most commonly Amanita phalloides and Amanita muscaria and related species. Symptoms,…

calcium-channel blocker

(Encyclopedia) calcium-channel blocker, any of a class of drugs used in treating hypertension, angina pectoris, and certain arrhythmias. They prevent the calcium ions needed for muscle contraction…


(Encyclopedia) pleurisypleurisypl&oobreve;rˈĭsē [key], inflammation of the pleura (the membrane that covers the lungs and lines the chest cavity). It is sometimes accompanied by pain and coughing…


(Encyclopedia) peritonitisperitonitispĕrˌĭtənīˈtĭs [key], acute or chronic inflammation of the peritoneum, the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and surrounds the internal organs. It is caused…


(Encyclopedia) silicosissilicosissĭlĭkōˈsĭs [key], occupational disease of the lungs caused by inhalation of free silica (quartz) dust over a prolonged period of time. Free silica is dispersed in the…

Renard, Jules

(Encyclopedia) Renard, JulesRenard, Juleszhül rənärˈ [key], 1864–1910, French writer. His Écornifleur (1892) is a novel about a young writer's selfish exploitation of a bourgeois family. Poil de…

angina pectoris

(Encyclopedia) angina pectorisangina pectorisănjīˈnə pĕkˈtərĭs [key], condition characterized by chest pain that occurs when the muscles of the heart receive an insufficient supply of oxygen. This…


(Encyclopedia) masochismmasochismmăsˈəkĭzəm [key], sexual disorder in which sexual arousal is derived from subjection to physical and emotional degradation. A type of paraphilia (see perversion,…