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(Encyclopedia) copperhead, poisonous snake, Ancistrodon contortrix, of the E United States. Like its close relative, the water moccasin, the copperhead is a member of the pit viper family and detects…

Ginzburg, Natalia Levi

(Encyclopedia) Ginzburg, Natalia LeviGinzburg, Natalia Levinətälˈyə lēˈvē gĭnˈsbûrg [key], 1916–91, Italian novelist. Because she and her husband Leone Ginzburg were Jewish, they were confined to a…


(Encyclopedia) tonsils, name commonly referring to the palatine tonsils, two ovoid masses of lymphoid tissue situated on either side of the throat at the back of the tongue. The pharyngeal tonsils,…


(Encyclopedia) inflammation, reaction of the body to injury or to infectious, allergic, or chemical irritation. The symptoms are redness, swelling, heat, and pain resulting from dilation of the blood…


(Encyclopedia) hedonismhedonismhēˈdənĭzˌəm [key] [Gr.,=pleasure], the doctrine that holds that pleasure is the highest good. Ancient hedonism expressed itself in two ways: the cruder form was that…


(Encyclopedia) laminitislaminitislămˌənīˈtĭs [key], also called founder, inflammation of the lamina, the innermost layer of the hoof wall in horses, ponies, and donkeys. Although the condition…


(Encyclopedia) hip, in human anatomy, the joint separating the thigh bone from the pelvis, and the surrounding flesh. The adult hipbone consolidates three bones separate in youth: the ilium, ischium…

repetitive stress injury

(Encyclopedia) repetitive stress injury or repetitive strain injury (RSI), injury caused by repeated movement of a particular part of the body. Often seen in workers whose physical routine is…


(Encyclopedia) polycythemiapolycythemiapŏlˌēsīthēˈmēə [key], condition characterized by an increase in the production of red blood cells, or erythrocytes, in the blood. Primary polycythemia, also…


(Encyclopedia) parvovirusparvoviruspärˌvōvīˈrəs [key], any of several small DNA viruses that cause several diseases in animals, including humans. In humans, parvoviruses cause fifth disease, or…