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(Encyclopedia) appendix, small, worm-shaped blind tube, about 3 in. (7.6 cm) long and 1&fslsh;4 in. to 1 in. (.64–2.54 cm) thick, projecting from the cecum (part of the large intestine) on the…

Nolde, Emil

(Encyclopedia) Nolde, EmilNolde, Emilāˈmēl nôlˈdə [key], 1867–1956, German expressionist painter and graphic artist. His original name was Emil Hansen. After teaching in Switzerland (1892–98), Nolde…


(Encyclopedia) diarrheadiarrheadīərēˈə [key], frequent discharge of watery feces from the intestines, sometimes containing blood and mucus. It can be caused by excessive indulgence in alcohol or…

decompression sickness

(Encyclopedia) decompression sickness, physiological disorder caused by a rapid decrease in atmospheric pressure, resulting in the release of nitrogen bubbles into the body tissues. It is also known…

Gary, Romain

(Encyclopedia) Gary, RomainGary, RomainrōmăNˈ gĕrēˈ [key], 1914–80, French novelist, b. Vilna (now Vilnius), of Russian parentage, as Romain Kacew. In France after 1928, he fought in World War II and…


(Encyclopedia) endometriosisendometriosisĕnˌdəmēˌtrē-ōˈsĭs [key], a condition in which small pieces of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) migrate to other places in the pelvic area. The…


(Encyclopedia) poliomyelitispoliomyelitispōˌlēōmīˌəlīˈtĭs [key], polio, or infantile paralysis, acute viral infection, mainly of children but also affecting older persons. Historically, there were…

serum sickness

(Encyclopedia) serum sickness, hypersensitive response that occurs after injection of a large amount of foreign protein. The condition is named for the serum taken from horses or other animals…


(Encyclopedia) quininequininekwīˈnīnˌ, kwĭnēnˈ [key], white crystalline alkaloid with a bitter taste. Before the development of more effective synthetic drugs such as quinacrine, chloroquine, and…


(Encyclopedia) samuraisamuraisäˌm&oomacr;rīˈ [key], knights of feudal Japan, retainers of the daimyo. This aristocratic warrior class arose during the 12th-century wars between the Taira and…