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Grünewald, Mathias

(Encyclopedia) Grünewald, MathiasGrünewald, Mathiasmätēˈäs grünˈəvält [key], c.1475–1528, German painter of religious subjects. His original name was Mathis Gothart Neithart. Although he assimilated…


(Encyclopedia) neurotransmitter, chemical that transmits information across the junction (synapse) that separates one nerve cell (neuron) from another nerve cell or a muscle. Neurotransmitters are…


(Encyclopedia) sunburn, inflammation of the skin caused by actinic rays from the sun or artificial sources. Moderate exposure to ultraviolet radiation is followed by a red blush, but severe exposure…


(Encyclopedia) pneumoniapneumonian&oobreve;mōnˈyə [key], acute infection of one or both lungs that can be caused by a bacterium, usually Streptococcus pneumoniae (also called pneumococcus; see…

Shostakovich, Dmitri

(Encyclopedia) Shostakovich, DmitriShostakovich, Dmitridyĭmēˈtrē shŏstŏkôˈvĭch [key], 1906–75, Russian composer, b. St. Petersburg. Shostakovich studied at the Leningrad Conservatory (1919–25). The…


(Encyclopedia) AZT or zidovudinezidovudinezīdōˈvy&oomacr;dēnˌ [key], drug used to treat patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS; also called…


(Encyclopedia) autismautismôˈtĭzəm [key], developmental disability resulting from a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain. It is characterized by the abnormal…


(Encyclopedia) EpicurusEpicurusĕpĭky&oobreve;rˈəs [key], 341–270 b.c., Greek philosopher, b. Samos; son of an Athenian colonist. He claimed to be self-taught, although tradition states that he…


(Encyclopedia) alkaloid, any of a class of organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and usually oxygen that are often derived from plants. Although the name means alkalilike, some…


(Encyclopedia) VehmgerichtVehmgerichtfāmˈgərĭkht [key], VehmeVehmgerichtfāˈmə [key], or vehmic courtVehmgerichtfāˈmĭk [key], in medieval Germany, a type of criminal tribunal. The inability of the…