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First Degree: Signs/Symptoms—reddened skin. Treatment—Immerse quickly in cold water or apply ice until pain stops. Second Degree: Signs/Symptoms—reddened skin, blisters. Treatment—(1) Cut…

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Gonorrhea

GonorrheaSexually Transmitted DiseasesIntroductionChlamydia: The Most Common STDGenital HerpesGenital Warts and HPVSyphilis: A Sexual Scourge with a Long HistoryGonorrhea Gonorrhea is a curable…

Book Eight

Book Eight   This reflection also tends to the removal of the desire of empty fame, that it is no longer in thy power to have lived the whole of thy life, or at least thy life from thy…

Book Seven

Book Seven   What is badness? It is that which thou hast often seen. And on the occasion of everything which happens keep this in mind, that it is that which thou hast often seen.…

antiviral drug

(Encyclopedia) antiviral drug, any of several drugs used to treat viral infections. The drugs act by interfering with a virus's ability to enter a host cell and replicate itself with the host cell's…


(Encyclopedia) arteriosclerosisarteriosclerosisärtĭrˌēōsklərōˈsis [key], general term for a condition characterized by thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of the walls of the blood vessels…

coronary artery disease

(Encyclopedia) coronary artery disease, condition that results when the coronary arteries are narrowed or occluded, most commonly by atherosclerotic deposits of fibrous and fatty tissue. Coronary…

Ebola virus

(Encyclopedia) Ebola virusEbola virusēbōˈlə [key], a virus of the genus Ebolavirus, which belongs to a family (Filoviridae) of RNA viruses that cause hemorrhagic fevers. The viruses, named for a…


(Encyclopedia) hemophiliahemophiliahēˌməfĭlˈēə, –fēlˈyə [key], genetic disease in which the clotting ability of the blood is impaired and excessive bleeding results. The disease is transmitted…