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(Encyclopedia) toxoplasmosis, infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii, a single-celled parasitic microorganism that can infect most warm-blooded animals but reproduces only in animals of the cat family…

West Nile virus

(Encyclopedia) West Nile virus, microorganism and the infection resulting from it, which typically produces no symptoms or a flulike condition. The virus is a flavivirus and is related to a number of…

Celan, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Celan, PaulCelan, Paulpôl sālŏn [key], pseud. of Paul AntschelCelan, Pauläntˈshschwa;l [key], 1920–70, Romanian-French poet. Although he spent his early years in Romania and his later…

first aid

(Encyclopedia) first aid, immediate and temporary treatment of a victim of sudden illness or injury while awaiting the arrival of medical aid. Proper early measures may be instrumental in saving life…

Daudet, Alphonse

(Encyclopedia) Daudet, AlphonseDaudet, AlphonseälfôNsˈ dōdāˈ [key], 1840–97, French writer, b. Nîmes (Provence). Daudet made his mark with gentle naturalistic stories and novels portraying French…


(Encyclopedia) serotoninserotoninsĕrˌətōˈnĭn [key], organic compound that was first recognized as a powerful vasoconstrictor occurring in blood serum. It was partially purified, crystallized, and…


(Encyclopedia) shock, any condition in which the circulatory system is unable to provide adequate circulation to the body tissues, also called circulatory failure or circulatory collapse. Shock…

spinal cord

(Encyclopedia) spinal cord, the part of the nervous system occupying the hollow interior (vertebral canal) of the series of vertebrae that form the spinal column, technically known as the vertebral…

Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever

(Encyclopedia) Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, acute, sometimes fatal disease endemic in many parts of Eurasia and Africa, caused by a tick-borne virus. The virus, an RNA virus (Nairovirus) of the…


(Encyclopedia) autismautismôˈtĭzəm [key], developmental disability resulting from a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain. It is characterized by the abnormal…