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nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug

(Encyclopedia) nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, a drug that suppresses inflammation in a manner similar to steroids, but without the side effects of steroids; commonly referred to by the acronym…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Acupuncture points for treating diseases of the large intestine. acupunctureacupunctureăkˈy&oobreve;pŭngˌchər [key], technique of traditional Chinese medicine, in which a…


(Encyclopedia) anesthesiaanesthesiaănĭsthēˈzhə [key] [Gr.,=insensibility], loss of sensation, especially that of pain, induced by drugs, especially as a means of facilitating safe surgical procedures…


(Encyclopedia) infarction, blockage of blood circulation to a localized area or organ of the body resulting in tissue death. Infarctions commonly occur in the spleen, kidney, lungs, brain, and heart…

Corbière, Tristan

(Encyclopedia) Corbière, TristanCorbière, TristantrēstäNˈ kôrbyĕrˈ [key], 1845–75, French poet, born Édouard Joachim Corbière. He spent most of his life on the coast of Brittany, living a Bohemian…


(Encyclopedia) indigestion or dyspepsia, discomfort during or after eating caused by some interference with the normal digestive process. Symptoms include nausea, heartburn, abdominal pain, gas…

Cannon, Walter Bradford

(Encyclopedia) Cannon, Walter Bradford, 1871–1945, American physiologist. While still a medical student at Harvard, Cannon was the first to demonstrate (1897) that bismuth could be utilized as a…

solar plexus

(Encyclopedia) solar plexus, dense cluster of nerve cells and supporting tissue, located behind the stomach in the region of the celiac artery just below the diaphragm. It is also known as the celiac…


(Encyclopedia) rheumatismrheumatismr&oomacr;ˈmətĭzəm [key], general term for a number of disorders that cause inflammation and pain in muscles, bones, joints, or nerves. In common usage arthritis…

Lefkowitz, Robert Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Lefkowitz, Robert Joseph, 1943–, American physician, b. New York City, M.D. Columbia, 1966. Since 1973 Lefkowitz has been a professor at Duke Univ.; he was appointed a Howard Hughes…