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(Encyclopedia) kratom, drug obtained from the leaves of the tropical evergreen tree Mitragyna speciosa, also called kratom, a relative of the coffee tree found in Southeast Asia. The leaves are…


(Encyclopedia) procaineprocaineprōkānˈ [key], anesthetic drug, commonly called novocaine, that gives prolonged relief from pain (see anesthesia). It is used as a local anesthetic and in rectal and…


(Encyclopedia) colic, intense pain caused by spasmodic contractions of one of the hollow organs, e.g., the stomach, intestine, gall bladder, ureter, or oviduct. The cause of colic is irritation and/…


(Encyclopedia) blackleg or black quarter, acute infectious disease of cattle, less often of sheep, caused by an organism of the genus Clostridium. It is characterized by inflammation of muscles with…

dengue fever

(Encyclopedia) dengue feverdengue feverdĕngˈgē, –gā [key], acute infectious disease caused by four closely related viruses and transmitted by the bite of the female Aedes mosquito; it is also known…


(Encyclopedia) anesthesiologyanesthesiologyănˌĭsthēˌzēŏlˈəjē [key], branch of medicine concerned primarily with procedures for rendering patients insensitive to pain, and for supporting life systems…

Zika virus

(Encyclopedia) Zika virusZika viruszēˈkə [key], single-stranded RNA virus of the genus flavivirus that infects human and primates and causes a disease known as Zika fever or zika. It is primarily…


(Encyclopedia) sprain, stretching or wrenching of the ligaments and tendons of a joint, often with rupture of the tissues but without dislocation. Sprains occur most commonly at the ankle, knee, or…


(Encyclopedia) rash, nonspecific term for an eruption of the skin. It may result from skin allergy, skin irritation, or skin disease, or it may be a symptom of a systemic disease like measles,…

Barker, George

(Encyclopedia) Barker, George (George Granville Barker), 1913–91, English poet, b. Essex, England. He has taught in Japan and the United States as well as in England. His highly dramatic poems, often…