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Displaying 331 - 340

America's Cup Record

First race in 1851 around Isle of Wight, Cowes, England. First defense and all others through 1920 held 30 miles off New York Bay. Races since 1930 held 30…

Anne Bradstreet: Childhood

Childhood Ah me! conceiv'd in sin, and born in sorrow, A nothing, here to day, but gone to morrow, Whose mean beginning, blushing can't reveal, But night and darkness must with shame conceal…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: March 7, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark March 6, 1806March 8, 1806March 7, 1806 Friday March 7th 1806. The wind was so high that Comowol did not leave us untill late this evening.…

Christina Rossetti: The Ghost'S Petition

The Ghost'S Petition'There's a footstep coming: look out and see,' 'The leaves are falling, the wind is calling; No one cometh across the lea.'—'There's a footstep coming; O sister, look…

Lewis Carroll: The Third Voice

The Third VoiceNot long this transport held its place: Within a little moment’s space Quick tears were raining down his faceHis heart stood still, aghast with fear; A wordless voice, nor far…

Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis: Airborne Nightmare

Tuberculosis: Airborne Nightmare Tuberculosis Introduction Tuberculosis: Airborne Nightmare Treating TB TB Is a Global Peril TB-causing bacteria is passed from person to person through the…

Food-Borne Diseases: Camphylobacter

CamphylobacterFood-Borne DiseasesIntroductionE. coli 0157:H7CamphylobacterSalmonellaShigellaListeriaTrichinosis Camphylobacter is the most common cause of food-borne illness. The bacterium was…

Malaria: Fever and Ague: Malaria's Symptoms

Fever and Ague: Malaria's SymptomsMalariaIntroductionA Nasty ParasiteFever and Ague: Malaria's SymptomsA Frustrating, Yet Curable, DiseasePrevention and Cure People infected with malaria typically…