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The Rainbow Coalition

by Reverend Jesse Jackson Address to the Democratic Convention Thank you very much. Tonight we come together bound by our faith in a mighty God, with genuine respect and love for…

John Keats: Book III

by John Keats Book IIBook III Thus in alternate uproar and sad peace, Amazed were those Titans utterly. O leave them, Muse! O leave them to their woes; For thou art weak to sing…

Ebola on the Rise

Terrifying disease mystifies, concerns scientists by David Johnson Symptoms begin with fever, exhaustion, stomach pains, and diarrhea. Within a week, the virus…

Brewer's: Bill of Quantities

An abstract of the probable cost of a building. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Bill of RightsBill of Pains and Penalties A B C D E F G H I J K L…


(Encyclopedia) smallpox, acute, highly contagious disease causing a high fever and successive stages of severe skin eruptions. Occurring worldwide in epidemics, it killed up to 40% of those who…