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Coleridge: Part the Second

Part the FirstPart the Second "Each matin bell," the Baron saith, "Knells us back to a world of death." These words Sir Leoline first said, When he rose and found his lady dead…

John Milton - Paradise Lost: Book VI

Book VI All night the dreadless Angel unpursu'd Through Heav'ns wide Champain held his way, till Morn, Wak't by the circling Hours, with rosie hand Unbarr'd the gates of Light. There is a…

History of Climbing Everest

/**/   Our guide to the world's highest peak: those who have climbed it, measured it, written about it, and died because of it. A History of Climbing Everest A mountaineering history…

Svetasvatara Upanishad: First Adhyâya

1. The Brahma-students say: Is Brahman the cause? Whence are we born? Whereby do we live, and whither do we go? O ye who know Brahman, (tell us) at whose command we abide, whether in pain or in…

Plants That Heal

For thousands of years, people from all corners of the globe have used herbs and plants to cure or prevent disease. There are several terms for this form of medicine: aromatherapy,…

Brewer's: Reins

To give the reins. To let go unrestrained; to give licence. To take the reins. To assume the guidance or direction. Reins (The). The kidneys, supposed by the Hebrews and others to be…

Government Documents

/**/ The U.S. Constitution created the current government of the United States in 1789. In law and government, primary sources are vitally important; they are quite literally the letter of the law…