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Food-Borne Diseases: Camphylobacter

CamphylobacterFood-Borne DiseasesIntroductionE. coli 0157:H7CamphylobacterSalmonellaShigellaListeriaTrichinosis Camphylobacter is the most common cause of food-borne illness. The bacterium was…

Malaria: Fever and Ague: Malaria's Symptoms

Fever and Ague: Malaria's SymptomsMalariaIntroductionA Nasty ParasiteFever and Ague: Malaria's SymptomsA Frustrating, Yet Curable, DiseasePrevention and Cure People infected with malaria typically…

Camping with the Nez Perces

Chapter 21 Chapter 23 Camping with the Nez Perces Soon after they had fixed their camp, the explorers bade farewell to their good friend Tunnachemootoolt and his young men, who…

Lewis & Clark: Camping with the Nez Perces

by NoahBrooks Overland east of the ColumbiaCrossing the Bitter Root MountainsCamping with the Nez Perces Soon after they had fixed their camp, the explorers bade farewell…

John Milton - Paradise Lost: Book IV

Book IV O For that warning voice, which he who saw Th' APOCALYPS, heard cry in Heaven aloud, Then when the Dragon, put to second rout, Came furious down to be reveng'd on men, WO TO THE…

Epidemics of the Past: Bubonic Plague

Bubonic PlagueEpidemics of the PastSmallpox: 12,000 Years of TerrorBubonic PlagueInfluenza: A Twentieth-Century Epidemic Ring around the rosy, A pocket full of posies, Ashes … ashes, We all…

Measuring Mountains

The world's highest peak and past pretenders to the throne by Borgna Brunner   A view of Everest from Thangboche Monastery. Related Links Everest Almanac A History of…

Anne Bradstreet: In Reference to her Children

In Reference to her Children I had eight birds hatcht in one nest, Four Cocks were there, and Hens the rest. I nurst them up with pain and care, No cost nor labour did I spare Till at the…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: With a Guitar, to Jane

by Percy Bysshe Shelley The Pine Forest of the Cascine Near PisaTo Jane: 'The Keen Stars Were Twinkling'With a Guitar, to Jane Published by Medwin, "The Athenaeum", October 20, 1832; "…