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Bartholdi, Frédéric Auguste

(Encyclopedia) Bartholdi, Frédéric AugusteBartholdi, Frédéric Augustefrādārēkˈ ōgüstˈ bärtōldēˈ [key], 1834–1904, French sculptor, b. Colmar, Alsace. He studied painting under Ary Scheffer but turned…

Portinari, Cândido

(Encyclopedia) Portinari, CândidoPortinari, Cândidokänˈdēᵺō pôrtēnäˈrē [key], 1903–62, Brazilian painter. He studied at the National School of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro. In 1928 a European…

Nicolet, Jean

(Encyclopedia) Nicolet, JeanNicolet, JeanzhäN nēkôlāˈ [key], 1598?–1642, French explorer in the Old Northwest. He came to New France with Samuel de Champlain in 1618. In 1634, under the direction of…

Dąbrowski, Jan Henryk

(Encyclopedia) Dąbrowski, Jan HenrykDąbrowski, Jan Henrykyän hĕnˈrĭk dôNbrôfˈskē [key], 1755–1818, Polish general. He distinguished himself in the insurrection led by Kosciusko in 1794. After its…

Vanini, Lucilio

(Encyclopedia) Vanini, LucilioVanini, Luciliol&oomacr;chēˈlyō vänēˈnē [key], c.1585–1619, Italian philosopher, who gave himself the name Julius Caesar. A freethinker, he was persecuted for his…

Cenis, Mont

(Encyclopedia) Cenis, MontCenis, MontmôN sənēˈ [key], Ital. Moncenisio, Alpine pass, 6,831 ft (2,082 m) high, on the French-Italian border. It is one of the great invasion routes in Italian history.…

Dutch West India Company

(Encyclopedia) Dutch West India Company, trading and colonizing company, chartered by the States-General of the Dutch republic in 1621 and organized in 1623. Through its agency New Netherland was…

Avedon, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Avedon, Richard, 1923–2004, American photographer, b. New York City. Son of Russian-Jewish immigrants, he studied philosophy at Columbia, served in the photographic section of the U.S…

Louis XVI, king of France

(Encyclopedia) Louis XVI, 1754–93, king of France (1774–92), third son of the dauphin (Louis) and Marie Josèphe of Saxony, grandson and successor of King Louis XV. In 1770 he married the Austrian…

Laval, Pierre

(Encyclopedia) Laval, PierreLaval, Pierrepyĕr [key]Laval, Pierre lävälˈ [key], 1883–1945, French politician. Elected (1914) to the chamber of deputies as a Socialist, he held various cabinet posts…