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Lateran Council, Fifth

(Encyclopedia) Lateran Council, Fifth, 1512–17, 18th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church, convened by Pope Julius II and continued by his successor Leo X. Julius called the council to…

MacMahon, Marie Edmé Patrice de

(Encyclopedia) MacMahon, Marie Edmé Patrice deMacMahon, Marie Edmé Patrice demärēˈ ĕdmāˈ pätrēsˈ də mäkmäōNˈ [key], 1808–93, president of the French republic (1873–79), marshal of France. MacMahon,…

Duluth, Daniel Greysolon, sieur

(Encyclopedia) Duluth or Du Lhut, Daniel Greysolon, sieurDuluth or Du Lhut, Daniel Greysolon, sieurdəl&oomacr;thˈ, Fr. dülütˈ [key], 1636–1710, French explorer in Canada. He went to Canada with…

Pétain, Henri Philippe

(Encyclopedia) Pétain, Henri PhilippePétain, Henri PhilippeäNrēˈ fēlēpˈ pātăNˈ [key], 1856–1951, French army officer, head of state of the Vichy government (see under Vichy). In World War I he halted…

New Zealand Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note New ZealandMaori performers participate in a welcoming ceremony, Wellington, New Zealand, October 31, 2006. [© AP Images] PROFILEOFFICIAL NAME:New…

Chabanel, Noël

(Encyclopedia) Chabanel, Noël (St. Noël Chabanel)Chabanel, Noëlnôĕlˈ shäbänĕlˈ [key], 1613–49, French missionary in North America, a Jesuit. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1630, came as a…

Marie de' Medici

(Encyclopedia) Marie de' MediciMarie de' Medicimĕdˈĭchē [key], 1573–1642, queen of France, second wife of King Henry IV and daughter of Francesco de' Medici, grand duke of Tuscany. She was married to…

Hughes, John Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Hughes, John Joseph, 1797–1864, American Roman Catholic churchman, b. Co. Tyrone, Ireland. He joined his family in the United States in 1817 and on graduating from Mt. St. Mary's…

Ross, Harold Wallace

(Encyclopedia) Ross, Harold Wallace, 1892–1951, American editor, b. Aspen, Colo. He founded the New Yorker in 1925 and was its influential managing editor until his death. Ross quit school at the age…

New Caledonia and Dependencies

Infoplease has everything you need to know about New Caledonia and Dependencies. Check out our country profile, full of essential information about New Caledonia and Dependencies's geography, history…