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Mahan, Dennis Hart

(Encyclopedia) Mahan, Dennis Hart, 1802–71, American soldier and educator, b. New York City; father of Alfred Thayer Mahan. He graduated (1824) from West Point, and from that year until 1871, except…

Dubos, René Jules

(Encyclopedia) Dubos, René JulesDubos, René Julesrənāˈ zhül dübōˈ [key], 1901–82, American bacteriologist, b. France, Ph.D. Rutgers, 1927. He joined the Rockefeller Institute (now Rockefeller Univ.)…

Pakenham, Sir Edward Michael

(Encyclopedia) Pakenham, Sir Edward MichaelPakenham, Sir Edward Michaelpăkˈənəm [key], 1778–1815, British general. He entered the army in 1794 and served in the wars against Napoleon I, emperor of…


(Encyclopedia) azuriteazuriteăzhˈərīt [key], blue mineral, the basic carbonate of copper, occurring in monoclinic crystals or masses that range from transparent to translucent and opaque. It is…

Irving, Washington

(Encyclopedia) Irving, Washington, 1783–1859, American author and diplomat, b. New York City. Irving was one of the first Americans to be recognized abroad as a man of letters, and he was a literary…


(Encyclopedia) AquitaineAquitaineăkˈwĭtān, äkētĕnˈ [key], Lat. Aquitania, former duchy and kingdom in SW France. Julius Caesar conquered the Aquitani, an Iberian people of SW Gaul, in 56 b.c. The…

New Brunswick Map

  New Brunswick Profile: History · Government · Economy · Population €¦ Note: New Brunswick, together with Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, form Canada's Maritime Provinces…

New Mexico Map

New Mexico Profile More Geographic Information Country Profiles Flags World Geography World Statistics U.S. State Profiles U.S. Cities U.S. Geography U.S. Statistics U.S. Map…

New Jersey Map

New Jersey Profile More Geographic Information Country Profiles Flags World Geography World Statistics U.S. State Profiles U.S. Cities U.S. Geography U.S. Statistics U.S. Map…

New Hampshire Map

New Hampshire Profile More Geographic Information Country Profiles Flags World Geography World Statistics U.S. State Profiles U.S. Cities U.S. Geography U.S. Statistics U.S. Map…