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Displaying 481 - 490

Brewer's: Soul

The Moslems fancy that it is necessary, when a man is bow-strung, to relax the rope a little before death occurs to let the soul escape. The Greeks and Romans seemed to think that the soul…

Brewer's: Walker

a proper name, is generally supposed to be $$$, a fuller, but the derivation of ancient names from trades is to be received with great caution. It is…

Brewer's: Gorgon

Anything unusually hideous. There were three Gorgons, with serpents on their heads instead of hair; Medusa was the chief of the three, and the only one that was mortal; but so hideous was…

Brewer's: Guinever

or rather Guanhumara (4 syl.). Daughter of Leodograunce of Camelyard, the most beautiful of women, and wife of King Arthur. She entertained a guilty passion for Sir Launcelot of the Lake,…

Brewer's: Cabbage

It is said that no sort of food causes so much thirst as cabbage, especially that called colewort. Pausanias tells us it first sprang from the sweat of Jupiter, some drops of which fell on…

Brewer's: Cecilia

(St.). A Roman lady who underwent martyrdom in the third century. She is the patron saint of the blind, being herself blind; she is also patroness of musicians, and “inventor of the organ…

Brewer's: Chrisom

or Chrism signifies properly “the white cloth set by the minister at baptism on the head of the newly anointed with chrism”— i.e. a composition of oil and balm. In the Form of Private…

Brewer's: Arthur

King of the Silures, a tribe of ancient Britons, was mortally wounded in the battle of Camlan, in Cornwall, raised by the revolt of his nephew, Modred. He was taken to Glastonbury, where…

Top Deadly Diseases of the World

Of 57 million total deaths worldwide, heart disease accounts for more than 12%. See the table below for the rest of the top ten deadly diseases. Disease Annual mortality rate Percent of…

Brewer's: Paradise and the Peri

The second tale in Moore's poetical romance of Lalla Rookh. The Peri laments her expulsion from Heaven, and is told she will be readmitted if she will bring to the Gate of Heaven the “gift…