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Growing Pains of the Chosen Boy Wizard

Harry Potter Grows Up by Dana Quigley More on Harry Potter Take the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Movie Quiz Take the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Book vs.…

Eating Disorders: Treatment

A team approach offers best chance of success Related Links Eating Disorders: An Overview The Eating Disordered Athlete Eating Disorders: Profile of a Sufferer…

Brewer's: Criss-cross Row

(Christ-cross row). The A B C horn-book, containing the alphabet and nine digits. The most ancient of these infant-school books had the letters arranged in the form of a Latin cross, with…

Brewer's: Cutter's Law

Not to see a fellow want while we have cash in our purse. Cutter's law means the law of purse-cutters, robbers, brigands, and highwaymen. “I must put you in cash with some of your old…

Brewer's: Court of the Gentiles

(The). They are but in the Court of the Gentiles. They are not wholly God's people; they are not the elect, but have only a smattering of the truth. The “Court of the Israelites” in the…

Brewer's: Cloacina

Goddess of sewers (Latin, cloaca, a sewer) Then Cloacina, goddess of the tide. Whose sable streams beneath the city glide Indulged the modish flame, the town she loved A mortal scavenger…

Brewer's: St. Johnstone's Tippet

A halter; so called from Johnstone the hangman. “Sent to heaven wi' a St. Johnston's tippit about my hause.” —SirWalterScott: Old Mortality. chap. viii Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Sylphs

according to Middle Age belief, are the elemental spirits of air; so named by the Rosicrucians and Cabalists, from the Greek silphe (a butterfly or moth). (See Gnomes.) Sylphs. Any…

Brewer's: Undine

(2 syl.). The water-nymph, who was created without a soul, like all others of her species. By marrying a mortal she obtained a soul, and with it all the pains and penalties of the human…