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Everest Trivia

Amaze your climbing friends! Stump the Sherpas! Little known facts about Everest by Borgna Brunner A view of Everest from Dudh Kosi, the highest river in the world. (Source: Nelson Chenkin)…

Brewer's: Cabbage

It is said that no sort of food causes so much thirst as cabbage, especially that called colewort. Pausanias tells us it first sprang from the sweat of Jupiter, some drops of which fell on…

Brewer's: Cecilia

(St.). A Roman lady who underwent martyrdom in the third century. She is the patron saint of the blind, being herself blind; she is also patroness of musicians, and “inventor of the organ…

Brewer's: Chrisom

or Chrism signifies properly “the white cloth set by the minister at baptism on the head of the newly anointed with chrism”— i.e. a composition of oil and balm. In the Form of Private…

Brewer's: Soul

The Moslems fancy that it is necessary, when a man is bow-strung, to relax the rope a little before death occurs to let the soul escape. The Greeks and Romans seemed to think that the soul…

Brewer's: Popinjay

A butterfly man, a fop; so called from the popinjay or figure of a bird shot at for practice. The jay was decked with parti-coloured feathers so as to resemble a parrot, and, being…

Brewer's: Walker

a proper name, is generally supposed to be $$$, a fuller, but the derivation of ancient names from trades is to be received with great caution. It is…