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Displaying 461 - 470

Brewer's: Modred

in the romance of The Round Table, is represented as the treacherous knight. He revolted from his Uncle Arthur, whose wife he seduced, was mortally wounded in the battle of Camlan, in…

Brewer's: Marvedie

(A). A maravedi (q.v.), a small obsolete Spanish copper coin of less value than a farthing. “What a trifling, foolish girl you are, Edith, to send me by express a letter crammed with…

Katha-Upanishad: Fifth Valli

  Fifth Valli 1. “There is a town with eleven gates belonging to the Unborn (Brahman), whose thoughts are never crooked. He who approaches it, grieves no more, and liberated (from all…

America's Wars: U.S. Casualties and Veterans

The table below has information about the total number of service members, battle deaths, and non-mortal woundings in wars from 1775 to 2017; such as the American Revolution, the Civil War, World War…

Deaths by State

(number in thousands; rates per 1,000 population in each area) Area 2004number Rate United States1 2,398.3…