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Porter, David Dixon

(Encyclopedia) Porter, David Dixon, 1813–91, American admiral, b. Chester, Pa.; son of David Porter. He served under his father in the Mexican navy before he was appointed (1829) midshipman in the U.…

Pike, Zebulon Montgomery

(Encyclopedia) Pike, Zebulon Montgomery, 1779–1813, American explorer, an army officer, b. Lamberton (now part of Trenton), N.J. He joined the army (c.1793) and was commissioned second lieutenant in…

Alvord, Clarence Walworth

(Encyclopedia) Alvord, Clarence WalworthAlvord, Clarence Walworthălˈvərd [key], 1868–1928, American historian, b. Greenfield, Mass. He became (1901) an instructor in history at the Univ. of Illinois…

Tropical Diseases: River Blindness

River BlindnessTropical DiseasesIntroductionLeishmaniasis: The Sand Fly's BugGiardiasis: A One-Celled WonderSchistosomiasis: Snail FeverAfrican Sleeping SicknessRiver Blindness River blindness is…

Larry Rivers 2002 Deaths

Larry RiversAge: 78 experimental painter and sculptor who helped to define pop art. His works often parodied pieces by the old masters. His influential paintings include Washington Crossing…

The River Merchants Wife: A Letter

The River Merchants Wife: A LetterWhile my hair was still cut straight across my forehead Played I about the front gate, pulling flowers. You came by on bamboo stilts, playing horse, You…

From the Lower to the Upper River

Chapter 2 Chapter 4 From the Lower to the Upper River The party finally set sail up the Missouri River on Monday, May 21, 1804, but made only a few miles, owing to head winds.…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: The River

The RiverAnd I behold once more My old familiar haunts; here the blue river, The same blue wonder that my infant eye Admired, sage doubting whence the traveller came,— Whence brought his…

Sara Teasedale: Rivers to the Sea

Rivers to the SeaBut what of her whose heart is troubled by it, The mother who would soothe and set him free, Fearing the song's storm-shaken ecstasy— Oh, as the moon that has no power to…