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Aesop's Fables: The Foxes and the River

by Aesop The MiserThe Horse and the StagThe Foxes and the River A number of Foxes assembled on the bank of a river and wanted to drink; but the current was so strong and the water looked…

From the Lower to the Upper River

Chapter 2 Chapter 4 From the Lower to the Upper River The party finally set sail up the Missouri River on Monday, May 21, 1804, but made only a few miles, owing to head winds.…

Tropical Diseases: River Blindness

River BlindnessTropical DiseasesIntroductionLeishmaniasis: The Sand Fly's BugGiardiasis: A One-Celled WonderSchistosomiasis: Snail FeverAfrican Sleeping SicknessRiver Blindness River blindness is…

Grand Canyon River View

photos by Carol M. Highsmith Grand Canyon River View Previous Next >> Related Links How Old Is the Grand Canyon?Grand Canyon QuizGrand CanyonArizonaThe National Park…

Brewer's: Xanthos, the river of Troas.

Elian and Pliny say that Homer called the Scamander “Xanthos” or the “Gold-red river,” because it coloured with such a tinge the fleeces of sheep washed in its waters. Others maintain…

Brewer's: Mysteries of Woods and Rivers

The art of hunting and fishing. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894MysteryMyrtle A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z…

The Seven Streams of the River Ota

Conceived by:Eric Bernier, Normand Bissonnette, Rebecca Blankenship, Marie Brassard, Anne-Marie Cadieux, Normand Daneau, Richard Frechette, Marie Gignac, Patrick Goyette, Ghislaine Vincent,…

Great Britain's Longest River

The Question: Could you please settle a disagreement. My friend says that the Tay river in Scotland is the longest river in Great Britain; I say it is the…

World's Longest Rivers Quiz

The world is full of rivers of all lengths and sizes. But what do you know about the longest rivers on Earth?

fall line

(Encyclopedia) fall line, boundary between an upland region and a coastal plain across which rivers from the upland region drop to the plain as falls or rapids. A fall line is formed in an area where…