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East Saint Louis

(Encyclopedia) East Saint Louis East Saint Louis l&oomacr;ˈĭs [key], city (2020 pop. 25,377), St. Clair co., SW…

Twain, Mark

(Encyclopedia) Twain, Mark, pseud. of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, 1835–1910, American author, b. Florida, Mo. As humorist, narrator, and social observer, Twain is unsurpassed in American literature.…


(Encyclopedia) leveeleveelĕvˈē [key] [Fr.,=raised], embankment built along a river to prevent flooding by high water. Levees are the oldest and the most extensively used method of flood control. They…

Omaha, indigenous people of North America

(Encyclopedia) OmahaOmahaōˈməhä, –hô [key], Native Americans whose language belongs to the Siouan branch of the Hokan-Siouan linguistic stock (see Native American languages). They, with the Ponca,…

Brewer's: Adonis River

A river in Phoenicia, which always runs red at the season of the year when the feast of Adonis is held. The legend ascribes this redness to sympathy with the young hunter; others ascribe…

Sara Teasedale: The River

The RiverI came from the sunny valleys And sought for the open sea, For I thought in its gray expanses My peace would come to me.I came at last to the ocean And found it wild and…

Brewer's: Bank of a River

Stand with your back to the source, and face to the sea or outlet: the left bank is on your left, and right bank on your right hand. Sisters of the Bank i.e. of the bankside, “the…

Brewer's: Salt River

To row up Salt River. A defeated political party is said to be rowed up Salt River, and those who attempt to uphold the party have the task of rowing up this ungracious stream. J. Inman…

Brewer's: River Demon

or River Horse was the Kelpie of the Lowlands of Scotland. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894River of ParadiseRivals A B C D E F G H I J K L M N…

Brewer's: River of Paradise

St. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, “the Last of the Fathers,” was so called. (1091-1153.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894River Flowing from the Ocean…