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Brewer's: Drake

means the “duck-king.” The old English word end means a duck, and end-ric becomes 'dric, drake. Similarly the German tauber-rich is a male dove, and ganse-rich, a male goose, or gander.…

Brewer's: Desultory

Those who rode two or more horses in the circus of Rome, and used to leap from one to the other, were called desultores; hence desultor came in Latin to mean one inconstant, or who went…

Brewer's: Dexterity

means right-handed skill (Latin, dexter, the right hand). “Awkward” (q.v.) means left-handed; gauche is the French, and sinister the Latin for the left hand. Certainly the German left-…

Brewer's: Dint

By dint of war; by dint of argument; by dint of hard work. Dint means a blow or striking (Anglo-Saxon, dynt) whence perseverance, power exerted, force; it also means the indentation made…

Brewer's: Discord

means severance of hearts (Latin, discorda). It is the opposite of concord, the coming together of hearts. In music it means disagreement of sounds, as when a note is followed by another…

Brewer's: Divan'

(Arabic and Persian, diwan) means a register kept on a white table exactly similar to our board. Among the Orientals the word is applied to a council-chamber or court of justice; but in…

Brewer's: Done Up

Thoroughly tired and wearied out. Up means ended, completed, as the “game is up” (over, finished), and adverbially it means “completely,” hence to be “done up” is to be exhausted…

Brewer's: Clym of the Clough

with Adam Bell and William of Cloudesly, were noted outlaws, whose skill in archery rendered them as famous in the north of England as Robin Hood and Little John in the midland counties.…

Brewer's: Coaling

in theatrical slang, means telling phrases and speeches, as, “My part is full of `coaling lines.' ” Coal being money, means profit, whence coaling. (See p. 265, To Post The Goal ...)…

Brewer's: Blown upon

Made the subject of a scandal. His reputation has been blown upon, means has been the subject of talk wherein something derogatory was hinted at or even asserted. Blown upon by the breath…