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Brewer's: Cool Hundred

(A) or Cool Thousand (or any other sum) means entire, or the whole of 100. Cool, in this case, means not influenced by hot-headed enthusiasm or exaggeration. “I lost a cool hundred myself…

Brewer's: Clym of the Clough

with Adam Bell and William of Cloudesly, were noted outlaws, whose skill in archery rendered them as famous in the north of England as Robin Hood and Little John in the midland counties.…

Brewer's: Coaling

in theatrical slang, means telling phrases and speeches, as, “My part is full of `coaling lines.' ” Coal being money, means profit, whence coaling. (See p. 265, To Post The Goal ...)…

Brewer's: Near

meaning mean, is rather a curious play on the word close (close-fisted). What is “close by” is near Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Near SideNeapolitan A B…

Brewer's: Off-hand

Without preparation; impromptu. The phrase, “in hand,” as, “It was long in hand,” means that it was long in operation, or long a-doing; so that “off-hand” must mean it was not “in hand…

Brewer's: Tabooed

Devoted, Forbidden. This is a Polynesian term, and means consecrated or set apart. Like the Greek anathema, the Latin sacer, the French sacre, etc., the word has a double meaning - one to…

Brewer's: Tile a Lodge

in Freemasonry, means to close the door, to prevent anyone uninitiated from entering. Of course, to tile a house means to finish building it, and to tile a lodge is to complete it.…

Brewer's: Tip One the Wink

(To). To make a signal to another by a wink. Here tip means “to give,” as tip in the previous example means “a gift.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Tommy Shop

Where wages are paid to workmen who are expected to lay out a part of the money for the good of the shop. Tommy means bread or a penny roll, or the food taken by a workman in his…

Brewer's: Twig

I twig you; do you twig my meaning? I catch your meaning; I understand. (Irish, twigim, I notice.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894TwinklingTwickenham A B…