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Displaying 461 - 470

Brewer's: Donkey

An ass. It was made to rhyme with “monkey,” but is never now so pronounced. The word means a little tawny or dun-coloured animal. Donkey. The cross of the donkey's back is popularly…

Brewer's: Coat

Cut your coat according to your cloth. Curtail your expenses to the amount of your income; live within your means. Si non possis quod velis, velis id quod possis. Near is my coat, but…

Brewer's: Panurge

(2 syl.). A companion of Pantagruel's, not unlike our Rochester and Buckingham in the reign of the mutton-eating king. Panurge was a desperate rake, was always in debt, had a dodge for…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 9

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 8Federalist No. 10Federalist No. 9 The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection To the People of the…

Brewer's: Bear

(A). (Stock Exchange), a fall, or a speculator for a fall. To operate for a bear. To realise a profitable bear. Bearing the market is using every effort to depress the price of stocks in…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: April 28, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark April 27, 1806April 29, 1806April 28, 1806 Monday April 28th 1806. This morning early Yellept brought a very eligant white horse to our camp and…

It's All Greek

The following table lists some common Greek roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Greek root Basic meaning Example words -anthrop- human misanthrope, philanthropy, anthropomorphic -chron…

Coleridge: The Ancient Mariner

ChristabelThe Ancient Mariner The Latin motto is condensed, by omission, from about a page of Thomas Burnet's Archaeologiae Philosophicae: sive Doctrina Antiqua de Rerum Originibus,…