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Displaying 451 - 460

The Redshirt Freshman

The Question: In college football, what is the definition of a redshirt freshman and a true freshman? The Answer: When a freshman athlete is…

Affiliate Link Disclosure

  Some of the articles within use affiliate links, which means, at no additional cost to you we earn a small commision if you use our link to make a purchase. We link to these sites…

Flatland: Concerning a Stranger from Spaceland

by Edwin A. Abbott How I vainly tried to explain ...How the Stranger vainly endeav...Concerning a Stranger from Spaceland From dreams I proceed to facts. It was the last day of our…

John DeWitt III

John DeWitt III5 November 1787by John DeWittTo the Free Citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.Civil liberty, in all countries, hath promoted by a free discussion of publick measures,…

What are "p's" and "q's"?

The Question: What does the phrase "mind your 'p's' and 'q's'" come from? The Answer: You can find helpful answers to questions like this in…

Healthy vs. Healthful

The Question: Why do we say some foods are healthy? They're healthful. If they were healthy, wouldn't they still be alive? The Answer: There…

Mise en scene

The Question: What does mise-en-scene mean? The Answer: Mise en scí¨ne (mee zahn SEN) is a twenty-dollar phrase that means either "the…

Writing Well: Get Cookin'!

Get Cookin'!Writing WellTell Me a Story: NarrationNarrative Building BlocksGet Cookin'!Life Line: Personal Narratives When you write a short story or other narrative, you can rework an incident from…

We'll Have Nunavut

Canadian Inuit have a territory of their own, but self-government is not without its challenges by Susan Hyde Inuit means "the people who are alive at this time" in Inuktitut. Eskimo, a…