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Plants that Kill

—By Arden Dore Oleander, lily-of-the-valley, mistletoe, and azaleas are among the most beautiful plants. But ingesting them can cause sickness and, in some cases, even death. Below is a…

1986 Tony Awards

PlayI'm Not RappaportMusicalThe Mystery of Edwin DroodReproduction—Play or MusicalSweet CharityActor—PlayJudd Hirsch, I'm Not RappaportActress—PlayLily Tomlin, The Search for Signs of…

Aesop's Fables: The Olive-Tree and the Fig-Tree

by Aesop The Frogs Asking for a KingThe Lion and the BoarThe Olive-Tree and the Fig-Tree An Olive-tree taunted a Fig-tree with the loss of her leaves at a certain season of the year. "You…

Chemistry: Heterogeneous Equilibria

Heterogeneous EquilibriaChemistrySolution Chemistry/emical EquilibriaWhat Is an Equilibrium?Equilibrium ConstantsHeterogeneous EquilibriaDisturbing Equilibria: Le Chtelier's Principle All of the…

February 2019 Current Events: Disaster News

Top of Page World News | Science & Technology News | US News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the world news…

John Brooke

John Brooke"Wake up, Demi, dear! I want you." "Why, I've just gone to bed; it can't be morning yet;" and Demi blinked like a little owl as he waked from his first sound sleep. "It's only ten…

The Twelve Dancing Princesses

The Twelve Dancing Princesses There was a king who had twelve beautiful daughters. They slept in twelve beds all in one room; and when they went to bed, the doors were shut and locked up; but…