Plants that Kill
Updated June 26, 2019 |
Infoplease Staff

—By Arden Dore
Oleander, lily-of-the-valley, mistletoe, and azaleas are among the most beautiful plants. But ingesting them can cause sickness and, in some cases, even death. Below is a listing of some of the most common toxic plants.
Plant | Toxic Part | Symptoms if eaten |
Amaryllis | whole plant | intestinal problems |
Azalea or Rhododendron | leaves, nectar | serious illness or death |
Chrysanthemum | leaves | vomiting or severe rash |
Clematis | whole plant | nervous system problems, skin rash, intestinal problems |
English Ivy | berries, leaves | skin irritation and intestinal problems |
Foxglove | whole plant | cardiovascular and intestinal problems |
Holly | berries | intestinal problems |
Hydrangea | flower buds | serious illness or death |
Mistletoe | leaves, stems, berries | skin irritation and intestinal problems |
Periwinkle | whole plant | serious illness or death |
Plants That Heal | Life Science | Carnivorous Plants |