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Displaying 251 - 260

Brewer's: Crowns

(worn by heathen deities): APOLLO wore a crown of laurels. BACCHUS, of grapes or ivy. CERES, of blades of wheat. COMUS, of roses. CYBELÊ, of pine leaves. FLORA, of flowers. FORTUNE, of fir…

Order of Operations

When you have a math problem that involves more than one operation—for example, addition and subtraction, or subtraction and multiplication—which do you do first? Example #1: 6 – 3 x 2 = ? Do you…


Fundevogel There was once a forester who went into the forest to hunt, and as he entered it he heard a sound of screaming as if a little child were there. He followed the sound, and at last…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Zucca

by Percy Bysshe Shelley The Magnetic Lady to Her PatientThe Zucca Published by Mrs. Shelley, "Posthumous Poems", 1824, and dated 'January, 1822.' There is a copy amongst the Boscombe…

November 2017 Current Events: US News

Top of Page Disaster News | Science & Technology News | World News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the world…

Amy Lowell: The Cross-Roads

The Cross-RoadsA bullet through his heart at dawn. On the table a letter signed with a woman's name. A wind that goes howling round the house, and weeping as in shame. Cold November dawn…

Blackspot disease

The Question: What is Black Spot disease and how do you prevent it and cure it? The Answer: Blackspot disease, Diplocarpon rosae, is a…