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1983–1984 Obie Awards

Best New American PlaySam Shepard, Fool for LoveBest MusicalLee Bruer and Bob Telson, Gospel at ColonusPlaywritingSamuel Beckett, Ohio Impromptu, What Where, Catastrophe and PocketMaria Irene…

1995 Independent Spirit Awards

The 11th Independent Spirit Awards, honoring excellence in independent film, were presented on March 23, 1996, under a tent on Santa Monica beach and simulcast on the World Wide Web.…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 17, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 16, 1804May 18, 1804May 17, 1804 Thursday the 17th 1804 a fine Day 3 men Confined for misconduct, I had a Court martial & punishment…

Geneva Convention, Part III, Section II

Section II Aliens in the Territory of a Party to the Conflict Article 35 All protected persons who may desire to leave the territory at the outset of, or during a conflict, shall…

A Safe Trip Abroad

The U.S. Department of State offers the following tips for safe travel abroad: Dress conservatively. Thieves often target tourists, so avoid wearing anything that will make you stand out, and…

February 2017 Current Events: Disaster News

Top of Page Science & Technology News | US News | World News The world, unfortunately, can be a very dangerous place. Accidents and natural disasters occur regularly and without warning. Please…