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(Encyclopedia) VivariniVivarinivēvärēˈnē [key], Italian family of painters originating in Murano. They executed innumerable altarpieces that reflect the trends of the 15th cent. in northern Italian…


(Encyclopedia) arthritis, painful inflammation of a joint or joints of the body, usually producing heat and redness. There are many kinds of arthritis. In its various forms, arthritis disables more…

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

(Encyclopedia) Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), alliance organized (1954) under the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty by representatives of Australia, France, Great Britain, New…

Serkin, Rudolf

(Encyclopedia) Serkin, Rudolf, 1903–91, Austrian-American pianist, b. Bohemia. Serkin gave joint recitals with Adolf Busch (his father-in-law from 1935) and made his U.S. debut (1933) with the Busch…

Schurman, Jacob Gould

(Encyclopedia) Schurman, Jacob GouldSchurman, Jacob Gouldshûrˈmən [key], 1854–1942, American educator and diplomat, b. Freetown, Prince Edward Island. His education was completed in London, Edinburgh…

Pine Barrens

(Encyclopedia) Pine Barrens, coastal plain region, c.3,000 sq mi (7,770 sq km), S and SE N.J.; composed chiefly of sandy soils, swamp-edged streams, pine stands, and tracts of cranberries and…

Tewfik Pasha

(Encyclopedia) Tewfik Pasha (Muhammad Tewfik)Tewfik Pashatoufēkˈ päshäˈ [key], 1852–92, khedive of Egypt (1879–92). He acceded to office when his father, Ismail Pasha, was deposed. In 1880, Tewfik…

Amano, Hiroshi

(Encyclopedia) Amano, Hiroshi, 1960–, Japanese physicist, Ph.D. Nagoya Univ., Japan, 1989. He is a professor at Nagoya Univ. in Japan. Amano is the joint recipient with Shuji Nakamura and Isamu…

Irene, Byzantine empress

(Encyclopedia) IreneIreneīrēˈnē [key], c.750–803, Byzantine empress (797–802). She served (780–90) as regent for her son, Constantine VI, and later was made (792) joint ruler. Devoted to the Orthodox…

Jelliffe, Smith Ely

(Encyclopedia) Jelliffe, Smith ElyJelliffe, Smith Elyjĕˈlĭf [key], 1866–1945, American neurologist and psychiatrist, b. New York City, M.D. Columbia, 1889. He was consultant at Manhattan State…