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(Encyclopedia) Jovian (Flavius Claudius Jovianus)Jovianjōˈvēən [key], c.331–364, Roman emperor (363–64). The commander of the imperial guard under Julian the Apostate in his Persian campaign, Jovian…

Shovell, Sir Clowdisley

(Encyclopedia) Shovell, Sir Clowdisley, or Sir Cloudesley ShovelShovell, Sir Clowdisley,kloudzˈlē shŭvˈəl [key], 1650–1707, English admiral. In the War of the Grand Alliance he burned enemy ships at…

Prescott, Edward Christian

(Encyclopedia) Prescott, Edward Christian, 1940–, American economist, b. Glen Falls, N.Y., Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1967. Prescott has taught at Carnegie Mellon (1971–80), the Univ. of Minnesota…

Pissarides, Christopher Antoniou

(Encyclopedia) Pissarides, Christopher Antoniou, 1948–, British-Cypriot economist, b. Nicosia, Cyprus, Ph.D. London School of Economics, 1973. He has been a professor at the London School of…


(Encyclopedia) VivariniVivarinivēvärēˈnē [key], Italian family of painters originating in Murano. They executed innumerable altarpieces that reflect the trends of the 15th cent. in northern Italian…

American Library Association

(Encyclopedia) American Library Association, founded 1876, organization whose purpose is to increase the usefulness of books through the improvement and extension of library services. As the major…

Fire, Andrew Zachary

(Encyclopedia) Fire, Andrew Zachary, 1959–, American geneticist, b. Palo Alto, Calif., Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1983. After a long association with the Carnegie Institution of…

Constantine, Roman general

(Encyclopedia) Constantine, d. 411, Roman general. He was proclaimed emperor by the Roman troops in Britain in 407 and led a revolt in Gaul and Spain against the Western emperor Honorius. He…

Cori, Carl Ferdinand

(Encyclopedia) Cori, Carl Ferdinand, 1896–1984, and Gerty Theresa CoriCori, Carl Ferdinand,kōrˈē, kôrˈē [key], 1896–1957, American biochemists, b. Prague. Soon after receiving their medical degrees…

Wineland, David Jeffrey

(Encyclopedia) Wineland, David Jeffrey, 1944–, American physicist, b. Milwaukee, Wis., Ph.D. Harvard, 1970. Wineland has been a researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and…