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Tewfik Pasha

(Encyclopedia) Tewfik Pasha (Muhammad Tewfik)Tewfik Pashatoufēkˈ päshäˈ [key], 1852–92, khedive of Egypt (1879–92). He acceded to office when his father, Ismail Pasha, was deposed. In 1880, Tewfik…

Amano, Hiroshi

(Encyclopedia) Amano, Hiroshi, 1960–, Japanese physicist, Ph.D. Nagoya Univ., Japan, 1989. He is a professor at Nagoya Univ. in Japan. Amano is the joint recipient with Shuji Nakamura and Isamu…

Fert, Albert

(Encyclopedia) Fert, AlbertFert, Albertälbârˈ fâr [key], 1938– French physicist, b. Carcassonne, France. After receiving his Ph.D. at the Univ. of Paris-Sud in 1970 Fert accepted a teaching position…

Constantine VI, Byzantine emperor

(Encyclopedia) Constantine VI, b. c.770, Byzantine emperor (780–97), son and successor of Leo IV. His mother, Irene, was regent until 790, when she was deposed by a military revolt. Constantine…

Bradley, Omar Nelson

(Encyclopedia) Bradley, Omar Nelson, 1893–1981, U.S. general, b. Clark, Mo. A graduate of West Point, he served in World War I and filled various army administrative and academic posts before…

Carman, Bliss

(Encyclopedia) Carman, BlissCarman, Blisskärˈmən [key], 1861–1929, Canadian poet, b. Fredericton, N.B. He studied at the universities of New Brunswick and Edinburgh and at Harvard. While at Harvard (…

Berengar II

(Encyclopedia) Berengar IIBerengar IIbĕrˈĭng-gər [key], d. 966, marquis of Ivrea. In 950 he made himself and his son joint kings of Italy, but his great unpopularity and his attempt to force Adelaide…

Moscow Conferences

(Encyclopedia) Moscow Conferences, meetings held between 1941 and 1947 at Moscow, USSR. At a conference in Sept.–Oct., 1941, American and British representatives laid the basis for lend-lease aid to…

Mary II, 1662–94, queen of England

(Encyclopedia) Mary II, 1662–94, queen of England, wife of William III. The daughter of James II by his first wife, Anne Hyde, she was brought up a Protestant despite her father's adoption of Roman…

McDonald, Arthur Bruce

(Encyclopedia) McDonald, Arthur Bruce, 1943–, Canadian astrophysicist, Ph.D. California Institute of Technology, 1969. McDonald was a researcher at the Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories in Ottawa,…