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Halleck, Fitz-Greene

(Encyclopedia) Halleck, Fitz-GreeneHalleck, Fitz-Greenehălˈĭk [key], 1790–1867, American poet, b. Guilford, Conn. He was joint author, with Joseph Rodman Drake, of the humorous lampoons “Croaker…

Godey, Louis Antoine

(Encyclopedia) Godey, Louis AntoineGodey, Louis Antoinegōˈdē [key], 1804–78, American publisher, b. New York City. He was joint founder in 1830 of the Lady's Book (known after his partner's…

Vansittart, Nicholas, 1st Baron Bexley

(Encyclopedia) Vansittart, Nicholas, 1st Baron BexleyVansittart, Nicholas, 1st Baron Bexleyvănˈsĭtärt [key], 1766–1851, British politician. He entered Parliament in 1796, was joint secretary of the…

Yeshiva University

(Encyclopedia) Yeshiva University, in New York City; mainly coeducational; begun 1886 as Yeshiva Eitz Chaim, a Jewish theological seminary, chartered 1928 as Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary…

Gilbert, Sir William Schwenck

(Encyclopedia) Gilbert, Sir William Schwenck, 1836–1911, English playwright and poet. He won fame as the librettist of numerous popular operettas, written in collaboration with the composer Sir…


(Encyclopedia) ZoëZoëzōˈē [key], c.978–1050, Byzantine empress (1028–50), daughter and successor of Constantine VIII. Zoë was first married when she was 50 years old at the request of her father to…

World Council of Churches

(Encyclopedia) World Council of Churches, an international, interdenominational organization of most major Protestant, Anglican, and Eastern Orthodox Christian churches; founded in Amsterdam in 1948…


(Encyclopedia) ligamentligamentlĭgˈəmənt [key], strong band of white fibrous connective tissue that joins bones to other bones or to cartilage in the joint areas. The bundles of collagenous fibers…


(Encyclopedia) LombardoLombardolōmbärˈdō [key], Italian family of sculptors and architects. Emigrants from Lombardy c.1470, they were leaders in the architectural Renaissance in Venice. Pietro…

Diego Garcia

(Encyclopedia) Diego Garcia, coral island, 11 sq mi (28 sq km). Indian Ocean, largest island of the Chagos Archipelago, SW of Sri Lanka. Part of the British Indian Ocean Territory, the island was…