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(Encyclopedia) HansardHansardhănˈsərd [key], name given to the official record of the proceedings of the British Parliament, named after the Hansard family of printers. Luke Hansard (1752–1828) was…


(Encyclopedia) hashishhashishhăshˈēsh, –ĭsh [key], resin extracted from the flower clusters and top leaves of the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa, and C. indica. Hashish, called charas in India, is the…

Queensberry, John Sholto Douglas, 8th marquess of

(Encyclopedia) Queensberry, John Sholto Douglas, 8th marquess of, 1844–1900, British nobleman, originator of the code of rules that governs modern boxing. He served in the British army and navy and…

Palade, George Emil

(Encyclopedia) Palade, George EmilPalade, George Emilpäläˈdē [key], 1912–2008, American cell biologist, b. Iaşi, Romania, M.D. Univ. of Bucharest, 1940. He was a faculty member at the Rockefeller…

Spock, Benjamin McLane

(Encyclopedia) Spock, Benjamin McLane, 1903–98, American author and pediatrician, b. New Haven, Conn., educ. Yale (B.A., 1925) and Columbia Univ. College of Physicians and Surgeons (M.D., 1929). In…


(Encyclopedia) fiduciaryfiduciaryfĭd&oomacr;ˈshēĕˌrē [key], in law, a person who is obliged to discharge faithfully a responsibility of trust toward another. Among the common fiduciary…

Force, Peter

(Encyclopedia) Force, Peter, 1790–1868, American journalist and historian, b. near Paterson, N.J. He served in the War of 1812 and afterward established himself in Washington, D.C., as a printer.…


(Encyclopedia) gazetteergazetteergăzˌĭtērˈ [key], dictionary or encyclopedia listing alphabetically the names of places, political divisions, and physical features of the earth and giving some…


(Encyclopedia) TheodoraTheodorathēədôrˈə [key], d. 548, Byzantine empress. Information about her early career comes from the often-questionable source, the Secret History of Procopius. It appears…

Zhdanov, Andrei Aleksandrovich

(Encyclopedia) Zhdanov, Andrei AleksandrovichZhdanov, Andrei Aleksandrovichəndrāˈ əlyĭksänˈdrəvĭch zhdäˈnôf [key], 1896–1948, Soviet Communist leader. A loyal supporter of Stalin, he was made (1934)…