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Abiy Ahmed Ali

(Encyclopedia) Abiy Ahmed Ali, 1976–, Ethiopian political leader. Joining the Ethiopian army in 1993, he served in the intelligence service, the UN peacekeeping mission in Rwanda,…

Vigo, Francis

(Encyclopedia) Vigo, FrancisVigo, Francisvēˈgō, vīˈgō [key], 1747–1836, American frontier trader and merchant, supporter of the American Revolution. He was born at Mondovi, Italy, and originally…

Wiener, Norbert

(Encyclopedia) Wiener, Norbert, 1894–1964, American mathematician, educator, and founder of the field of cybernetics, b. Columbia, Mo., grad. Tufts College, 1909, Ph.D. Harvard, 1913. In 1920 he…

Warren, Mercy Otis

(Encyclopedia) Warren, Mercy Otis, 1728–1814, American writer, b. Barnstable, Mass.; sister of James Otis and wife of James Warren, who was speaker of the Massachusetts house of representatives. An…

Watson, Thomas John

(Encyclopedia) Watson, Thomas John, 1874–1956, American industrialist and philanthropist, b. Campbell, N.Y. After rising from clerk to sales executive in the National Cash Register Co. (1898–1913),…


(Encyclopedia) signaling, transmission of information by visible, audible, or other detectable means. Since prehistoric times humans have sought and employed ever more effective means of…

Murrow, Edward Roscoe

(Encyclopedia) Murrow, Edward Roscoe, 1908–65, American news broadcaster, b. Greensboro, N.C. He joined the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) in 1935 and became its European director two years later…

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

(Encyclopedia) Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), specialized agency of the United Nations. Formed in 1988, with headquarters in Washington, D.C., it is a member of the World Bank Group…

Arrow, Kenneth Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Arrow, Kenneth Joseph, 1921–2017, American economist, b. New York City, grad. City College of New York (B.S. 1940), Columbia (M.A. 1941, Ph.D. 1951). He was on the faculties of the…

Claude, Albert

(Encyclopedia) Claude, AlbertClaude, Albertälbârrˈ klōd [key], 1899–1983, Belgian biologist, b. Longlier, M.D., Univ. of Liège, 1928. He joined the Rockefeller Institute (now Rockefeller Univ.) in…