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chemical analysis

(Encyclopedia) chemical analysis, the study of the chemical composition and structure of substances. More broadly, it may be considered the corpus of all techniques whereby any exact chemical…

Geological Survey, United States

(Encyclopedia) Geological Survey, United States, bureau organized in 1879 under the Dept. of the Interior to unify and centralize the work already undertaken by separate surveys under Clarence King,…


(Encyclopedia) Unabomber or UnabomerUnabomberboth: y&oomacr;ˈnəbŏmˌər [key], name given by the FBI to the elusive perpetrator of a series of bombings (1975–95) in the United States that killed 3…

Thurloe, John

(Encyclopedia) Thurloe, John, 1616–68, English politician. A lawyer, he became (1652) secretary to the council of state of the Commonwealth. He was given charge of the intelligence department (1653…


(Encyclopedia) wiki [Hawaiian, wikiwiki = fast], a website designed to permit the development of information resources by creating hyperlinked webpages using software that accessed through a web…

virtual observatory

(Encyclopedia) virtual observatory, a collection of integrated astronomical data archives and software tools that utilize computer networks to create an environment in which research can be conducted…


(Encyclopedia) Vitruvius (Marcus Vitruvius Pollio)Vitruviusvĭtr&oomacr;ˈvēəs [key], fl. late 1st cent. b.c. and early 1st cent. a.d., Roman writer, engineer, and architect for the Emperor…

von Euler, Ulf

(Encyclopedia) von Euler, Ulf, 1905–83, Swedish physiologist and pharmacologist, Ph.D. Karolinska Institute, 1930. He was a professor at the Karolinska Institute from 1930 to 1971. Von Euler won the…

Toronto, University of

(Encyclopedia) Toronto, University of, at Toronto, Ont., Canada; nondenominational; provincially supported; coeducational; founded 1827 as King's College. It achieved university status in 1849 and is…

Stuart, James Ewell Brown

(Encyclopedia) Stuart, James Ewell Brown (Jeb Stuart), 1833–64, Confederate cavalry commander in the American Civil War, b. Patrick co., Va. Most of his U.S. army service was with the 1st Cavalry in…