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Fats, Carbohydrates, Protein

Protein helps the body grow, builds muscle and give us energy. Protein-rich foods include meats, eggs, avocado, nuts and beans. Carbohydrates are sugars that the body uses for energy…

Everest Trivia

Amaze your climbing friends! Stump the Sherpas! Little known facts about Everest by Borgna Brunner A view of Everest from Dudh Kosi, the highest river in the world. (Source: Nelson Chenkin)…

Brewer's: Upas-tree

or Poison-tree of Macassar. Applied to anything baneful or of evil influence. The tradition is that a putrid stream rises from the tree which grows in the island of Java, and that whatever…

Arthur Upson: Agamede's Song

Agamede's SongArthur UpsonGrow, grow, thou little tree, His body at the roots of thee; Since last year's loveliness in death The living beauty nourisheth.Bloom, bloom, thou little tree, Thy…

Sara Teasedale: Spring in War Time

Spring in War TimeI feel the Spring far off, far off, The faint far scent of bud and leaf— Oh how can Spring take heart to come To a world in grief, Deep grief?The sun turns north…

Louis Untermeyer: "Feuerzauber"

"Feuerzauber"Louis UntermeyerI never knew the earth had so much gold — The fields run over with it, and this hill, Hoary and old, Is young with buoyant blooms that flame and thrill.Such…

Caroline Giltinan: Overnight, a Rose

Overnight, a RoseCaroline GiltinanThat overnight a rose could come I one time did believe, For when the fairies live with one, They wilfully deceive. But now I know this perfect thing…