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Dorothy Stang, 2005 News

American-born Roman Catholic nun, was shot and killed in Brazil's Amazon state of Pará in February. A naturalized Brazilian, Stang had been working with Brazil's rural poor since the 1970s…

Middle-earth Timeline

From the creation of Middle-earth to the War of the Ring by Laura Hayes The Second Age of Middle-earth saw the glory of Númenor, the rise of Sauron, and the forging of the Rings of Power…

David Irving, 2000 News

historian and author, was called an anti-Semite racist and a Hitler apologist in April by British High Court Judge Charles Gray, who presided over the libel case in which Irving sued…

Ed Rosenthal, 2003 News

California marijuana grower, was sentenced to 1 day in jail and fined $1,000 for cultivating marijuana. He had been growing the drug for medicinal purposes, legal under Oakland's medicinal…

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, 2006 News

Jordanian militant, was killed by U.S. troops in an air strike north of Baghdad in June. Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia and the most-wanted terrorist in Iraq, was blamed for…