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coral reefs

(Encyclopedia) coral reefs, limestone formations produced by living organisms, found in shallow, tropical marine waters. In most reefs, the predominant organisms are stony corals, colonial cnidarians…


(Encyclopedia) Aleppo Aleppo əlĕpˈō [key] or Alep Alep əlĕpˈ [key], Arabic Haleb, city (2021 est. pop. 1,917,000), capital of Aleppo governorate, NW…


(Encyclopedia) lobster, marine crustacean with five pairs of jointed legs, the first bearing large pincerlike claws of unequal size adapted to crushing the shells of its prey. The segmented body of…


(Encyclopedia) wasp, name applied to many winged insects of the order Hymenoptera, which also includes ants and bees. Most wasps are carnivorous, feeding on insects, grubs, or spiders. They have…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Deptford pink, Dianthus armeria pink, common name for some members of the Caryophyllaceae, a family of small herbs found chiefly in north temperate zones (especially the…


(Encyclopedia) sireniansireniansīrēˈnēən [key] or sea cow, name for a large aquatic mammal of the order Sirenia. Living sirenians are the dugong and the manatee, both found in warm, shallow waters in…

sperm whale

(Encyclopedia) sperm whale, largest of the toothed whales, Physeter catodon, found in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It is also called cachalot. Male sperm whales may grow to more than 70 ft (21 m…

Pond or a Lake

The Question: Why is a pond called a pond and a lake called a lake? I have a body of water that is 5 acres, 15 to 20 feet deep. How do I know what to call it…