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The Congress of Women: Symmetrical Womanhood

by Mrs. Wesley Smith The LeperThe Land We Love.Symmetrical Womanhood Mrs. Wesley Smith is a native of the United States; she was born in Chicago. Her parents were Edson L. O'Hara and Tonsley…

U.S. State Population by Rank (Update for 2023!)

Top of Page Source: Getty ImagesThe U.S. population is enormous  —  339,123,510 people as of 2023  —  and growing. But there’s more to the numbers than “largest and smallest”. Some American…

The Celtic Twilight: The Untiring Ones

by W. B. Yeats KidnappersEarth, Fire and WaterThe Untiring Ones It is one of the great troubles of life that we cannot have any unmixed emotions. There is always something in our enemy…

Las Vegas, Nev.

Mayor: Carolyn G. Goodman (to May 2015)2010 census population (rank): 583,756 (30); Male: 294,100 (50.4%); Female: 289,656 (49.6%); White: 362,264 (62.1%); Black: 64,858 (11.1%); American…

More Recent Trends

Although adoption is mentioned in the legal codes and writings of many ancient peoples, including the Romans and Hebrews, no such laws existed in England or her colonies prior to the middle of the…

The History of Adoption

Ancient adoptions were not always in the interest of the child by Beth Rowen Related Links Slideshow: Famous Adoptees or Adopters U.S. State Department Statistics on…

John Donne: The Dissolution

The Dissolution She's dead; and all which die To their first elements resolve; And we were mutual elements to us, And made of one another. My body then doth…

Robert Graves: Double Red Daisies

Double Red DaisiesDouble red daisies, they're my flowers, Which nobody else may grow. In a big quarrelsome house like ours They try it sometimes—but no, I root them up because they're my…