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The Expense of the New Government, 1788

The Expense of the New GovernmentAbstract From The Feeeman's Oracle and New Hampshire Advertiser, January 11, 1788, by "A FARMER" by See also Federalist No. 13.… Great complaint has been made…

The Expense of the New Government, 1787

The Expense of the New GovernmentAbstractAn unsigned essay from The Connecticut Journal, October 17, See also Federalist No. 13. . A large representation has ever been esteemed by the…

Notable Women in U.S. Government

Sandra Day O'Connor Biographies ofNotable Women Actresses Adventurers Artists Athletes Businesswomen Comediennes Congresswomen Educators and Scholars Fashion Designers…

Brewer's: Carpet-bag Government

The government of mere adventurers. In America, a state in the South reorganised by “carpet-baggers,” i.e. Northern political adventurers, who sought a career in the Southern States after…

Timeline of U.S. Government Shutdowns

1790 Some economists argue that the U.S. defaulted when the federal government restructured bonds issued to fund the Revolutionary War. 1933 Some economists argue that the U.S.…

Tabulated Data on City Governments

Mayor Citymanager'ssalary1,2Council or CommissionCity Term,years Salary1Name Members Term,years Salary1,3Albuquerque, N.M. 4 $90,314$115,003Council 9 4 $9,027Atlanta, Ga.4 141,490 — Council…

Tabulated Data on State Governments

GovernorLegislature1Highest Court2 State Term,years Annualsalary Member-ship Term,years Salaries ofmembers5 Mem-bers Term,years AnnualsalaryU3L4 U3 L4Alabama 46$94,655 35 105 4 4 $10 per…