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Powers Denied the Government

Learn what the national and state governments are not allowed to do in the United States. Source: The U.S. Government Printing OfficeNational Government State Governments* May not violate…

Brewer's: Coalition Government

A Government formed by various parties by a mutual surrender of principles. The administration of Lord North and Charles Fox, 1783, was a coalition, but it fell to pieces in a few months.…

Top Government Sites

The IRS remains the most-visited government website despite the fact its popularity fell by 1% from 2006 to 2007. The government site to see the greatest increase in hits was the Food and…

Government Employment and Payrolls

Employees (in thousands) October payrolls (in millions)Year and function Total Federal1State Local Total Federal1State Local1940 4,474 1,128 3,346 $ 566 177 $3891945 6,556 3,375 3,181 1,110 642…

Brewer's: Petticoat Government

Femalerule. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Petticoat and GownPetticoat A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Related…

Black Government Officials

    Former Secretary of State Colin Powell Browse more African-American biographies by category: A-Z List Government Officials Civil Rights Leaders Religious Leaders…

Brewer's: Divide and Govern

Divide a nation into parties, or set your enemies at loggerheads, and you can have your own way. A maxim of Machiavelli, a noted political writer of Florence (1469-1527). “Every city or…

Brewer's: Government Men

Convicts. “[He] had always been a hard-working man ... good at most things, and, like a lot more of the Government men, as the convicts were called, ... had saved some money.” —Boldrewood…

The Federal Government's Move

The Question: In what year did the federal government move to Washington D.C. from Philadelphia? The Answer: The United States Congress moved…

The Governing of Washington, D.C.

The Question: Does Washington D.C. have a governor? The Answer: The term "governor," in American politics, refers to the head of a state. "…